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VPUU and Satchwell Skills Partnership

The Solar Installation programme was a unique offering that had its roots laid in a sincere approach for development in the Paarl East community. The projects stakeholders included 3Kilo Development Agency as a strategic partner, IETI as the training provider as well as Satchwell and VPUU as the beneficiary organisations and clients. The projects outcomes included a skills development cohort as well as creating an enterprise development opportunity to roll out the mandate of projects to follow

The solar installation project was developed by 3 Kilo Development Agency and IETI to provide basic technical training in the sizing, installation and maintenance of photovoltaic systems. In addition, it was used as a post training referral resource in troubleshooting and maintenance of systems.

The programme was designed for use by anyone who wishes to develop his/her technical knowledge in PV. However, it is particularly targeted at those who wish to engage in the business of supplying and installing PV products. This manual does not guarantee the quality of installations carried out by trainees. It is recommended that all installations are carried out in a responsible and professional way. All electrical work should be performed by a qualified electrician to guarantee the installation and/or repairs.


VPUU is an area-based community development organisation that aims at safe, sustainable, integrated communities, citizenship, pride and the improvement of quality of life for residents in their neighbourhoods through a comprehensive range of urban improvements and social interventions.

VPUU began as a partnership between the City of Cape Town, the German Development Bank (KfW) and the community of Khayelitsha in September 2005. The partnership has since been extended to include the Western Cape Government, National Treasury, international agencies, NGOs, CBOs and other communities. Co-funded by the Federal German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the City of Cape Town, National Treasury, other public and third party funding and implemented by AHT Group AG and Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood (SUN) Development Pty Ltd. In April 2013, VPUU NPC was established to implement VPUU in the Western Cape.

Cornerstones to our approach are human development and sustainability underpinned by a paradigm shift from where the state defines problems and assembles resources to one of partnership between community, state and civil society who jointly identify and tackle local problems.



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