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Satin to Sequins: More than a Minstrel

Klopse, Minstrels, Cultural entertainers!! What a journey it has been building a brand with this awesome show.

Satin to Sequins: More than a Minstrel is a funny, educational and festive production, Directed by Alistair Izobell, that tells the story of a Minstrel Troupe, the Woodstock Darlings. The show is running at the Baxter Theatre from the 28 June - 14 July 2018.

Written and produced by Oddball Concepts, the production aims to entertain audiences while hoping to destigmatise the perceptions and culture of the Cape Town Minstrels. The stellar cast is made up of Carmen Maarman (Aunty Merle the Musical, District Six the Musical), Carlo Daniels (Kat and the Kings, District Six Kanalla), Shadley Schroeder (Blood Brothers), Tashreeq de Villiers, Ahur Petersen (Son of the late Taliep Petersen) and Ashtevahn Mintoor, accompanied by a live minstrel band.

The Minstrels, also known as the “Kaapse Klopse”, are generally associated with thugs who come from crime-infested areas on the Cape Flats. For some this may be true, but for the vast majority – who also happen to be law students, entrepreneurs and business people – this is not the case. They would like to see this culture evolve and be recognised and acknowledged as a legitimate part of the Cape cultural heritage.

Writer Riyaad Peters, who is also a lecturer at a prestigious sports institute, is testament to being more than a Minstrel. “For far too long we’ve been looked at as clowns parading in the streets of Cape Town. It’s time that people appreciate it just as much as they would the Rio Carnival. Such is its potential.”

Regarded as a highly competitive sport made up of two months of singing competitions, the troupes compete for no payment at all except for what is generally referred to as “bragging rights”. Furthermore, preparation for this usually happens all year round.

Perhaps one of the best stories about the journey of the Woodstock Darlings is that earlier this year, Oddball and sponsors Baruch Marketing Solutions took the show’s fictional troupe, The Woodstock Darlings to the streets of Cape Town - during the new year festivities. The Woodstock Darlings opened the carnival. So a made up troupe - made for the theatre - was taken into the streets and became immersed in the actual minstrel festivities.

Looking forward to seeing this amazing story grow. Everyone needs to see this!


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